Peoria Illinois Photography - Location or Studio Photographer

Hi, I am Jonae with Jonae Cheger Photography. If this is your first time stumbling across my work on the internet, then welcome. I am taking a little time today to update this blog, that I neglect on a constant basis. Its not that I dislike sharing my work, but that I am often busy trying to keep up with shooting sessions, editing and taking care of my family. This past month has been a busy one with Photography and also my family taking a much needed break to Tennessee. Have you ever been to the Smokie Mountains? We finally made it down there and stayed in a cabin for a whole week. I actually avoided editing and work for once. I will share about the trip in my next blog post.

I am mainly on today to just give you a glimpse of where my Clients took me for sessions this past month. I have a home studio based out of East Peoria Illinois. We moved here in September of 2020. Yes, during the Pandemic. It was a leap of faith and a hard business decision, but we are starting to finally see that the move was really good for us. The small town we had lived in since 2009 was just not meant to be our home forever. So we picked up our family of five and moved to Peoria. We are now a family of seven, because our foster loves moved in with us this past January. I can actually say its been amazing and a blur all at the same time. These children keep me on my toes.

I have been scouting out new locations and driving all over this new area to find spots I think you will love for your family and children photography sessions. This past month we used the studio as well as a Warehouse District and a Park that opens up by the river for water/beach style images. My favorite spot is a foot bridge that run through a portion of a park that is now one of my favorite locations. Enough of my words, I will just let the images speak for themselves.

The park I use is a short distance from this area and great for natural settings when you want nature as the backdrop.

Below are a few more images from the park location.


Peoria Illinois Studio Photography - Child Portraits


Photography Session | Peoria Illinois